Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Do you ever keep stuff in your Amazon cart, just to track prices?

It wasn't intentional, but I've kept a whole bunch of stuff in the "saved items - to buy later" cart, and I've noticed that some things change prices daily.  For instance, this Nikon D3100 has changed price every day for the past several days, and at least 4 times a week for the past month, regardless if from the same seller.  Currently, Amazon is shipping it for $599.95, but it has fluctuated between that low price and $649 through December.

Even books directly shipped from Amazon change prices frequently, though not daily...maybe once a week or two, or less.

I used to use Gazaro, but they changed their website, making the job of tracking prices of specific products a lot more cumbersome.  Nowadays, I just pop stuff in my "saved items - to buy later" cart at Amazon, seeing as they've got a wider selection of items beyond electronics, and frequently the lowest prices.


Anonymous said...

The pricing change alert that used to appear is no longer showing up for saved items. I used to be able to click on my shopping cart and I would get summary of changed prices, but no more. What gives?

gerrrg said...

@Anonymous - Not sure what problem you're running into, because my cart continues to be updated, including this morning when one book increased in price while another dropped. Cookie issues?