Friday, August 6, 2010

Took what I thought would be a moderate bike ride.

Turns out, after plotting the route on Google Maps, that it was 15 miles long (round trip).  I was wondering why I was starving like a bear out of hibernation and thirsty like a desert.

Somewhere out there, someone's laughing at 15 miles.  But I wasn't carrying water with me.  I stopped twice for a sip from the public fountains - in Portland they're called bubblers - and we took a rest near the end, at a Safeway, and I had a crappy lemon parfait thingie, and a calorie-free lemon water thingie with vitamins, which was not too bad at all.  I really wanted to eat protein, but really, there was nothing I could find for a quick bite.


At Safeway, I nearly lost it (anger) because the checkout machine didn't print me a receipt at the self-checkout line, and the attendant was completely, utterly useless.  She told me she couldn't print it out while the guy behind me was using the machine that I had just used.  Then after he was gone, she said that she couldn't print out my receipt because that guy who came after me had completed his transaction and my receipt was no longer available.  WTF!?$@!  Why the hell didn't you say that earlier and try to stop him while he was starting his transaction?  I'm waiting around for the guy to complete his transaction so that she can go to the machine, and she does nothing?

It got me so angry, that I've vowed not to shop least until the end of the year, if not longer.  I'd rather take my bike to two other grocery stores (yay Fred Meyer and Trader Joe's), than to have to deal with the same woman again.


Oh yeah, and my thighs are tired from 15 miles, but it feels good to exercise like that.  Oddly, it feels about the same amount of energy I would normally expend from an hour's worth of basketball, except of course, no twisted ankles, out-of-breath running, and big boys pushing their ass into you while they try to make their way to the rim.

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