Sunday, August 8, 2010

Alan Greenspan cracks me up.

He was quoted in the NYT:
"I don’t think anybody can know exactly what the impact of these taxes is on GDP."
He's calling for the complete repeal of all of Bush's tax cuts, in order to dent the federal debtm which in turn, is supposed to bring calm to the markets (hello, this is the market calling, we'd like you to spend more on stimulus, please).

I say let those tax cuts expire, but use the expected savings to invest in job creation via one-time grants for small businesses and another stimulus rebate.  The rebate works great, because it gives people cash they can see in their account, as opposed to the trickle of the tax cuts which really do nothing to inspire consumers to spend.  Since it's all about inspiring confidence to spend, I say forgo the tax cut and give it back as stimulus rebates, instead!

Who's in?

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