Wednesday, August 18, 2010

A mosque near the twin towers; we know what everyone else thinks, except...Muslims, eh?

The President has stepped in, Democrats and Republicans left, right and center have stepped in, to all voice their opinions. I can tell you, WHITE American overwhelming disapprove of a mosque near Ground Zero. But really, I want to know what Muslims in America think. Seriously, CNN didn't bother to find out when they did a poll, and neither did Quinnipiac.

Don't you want to know what Muslims think, or are we only concerned about what Jewish, Catholics and Protestants think (as was measured by Quinnipiac's polling). Don't you want to know what the surviving family members of muslims that died on 9/11 in the twin towers, think?

Don't people find it disturbing that America doesn't give a damn about what the Muslim community thinks? For all we know, they might oppose it as well, making a decision rather easy for all sides.

Where is the journalism?!?!

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