Monday, January 16, 2017

No, The Emperor is Not My President

First off, you need to know that I do not come from the far-left. Yes, I am liberal, but I believe in capitalism and trade even as I also support parity and progressivism. Therefore, I do not automatically reject support for a Republican simply because they're Republican. I have no problems working with people who have different opinions from me; in fact, I enjoy trying to find a compromise.

Had President George H. W. Bush activated the selective service draft, I would not have run away from my obligation to serve this country. When his son, George W. Bush, became POTUS, I disagreed with what happened and felt strongly that he did not deserve the right to occupy 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW. Despite all my mocking of his lack of foresight and wisdom, nonetheless, I supported him as my President and seriously contemplated my options of volunteering -- despite my age -- for military service following 9/11.

The Emperor is different; he is unlike anyone else in the history of American presidents.

When he insults people, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he threatens people, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he bullies people, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he demands people apologize to him, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he lies, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he boasts about his wealth, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.
When he openly urges people to commit crimes, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT.

Seeing as these are the very things The Emperor is constantly engaged in, therefore, he is NOT MY PRESIDENT and I will never defend him, ever.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Right there with you. I mourn the impending departure of one of the best POTUS I have seen in my 68 years and dread the impending rise to power of the man who could be the worst one in American history