Thursday, September 22, 2011

Bing bleeds money.

via CNNMoney.

I had to snicker when I read the associated article.  According to Stefan Weitz, director of Bing, Bing has the upper edge because, "we are able to try things with much more flexibility...if we make a mistake, it's not going to take down the company."

That's just pathetic FUD.

First off, why would Google completely revamp its code, when they've got a solid search engine to begin with? But furthermore, Bing isn't exactly taking on the search engine world with a wildly updated algorithm every month, either. Bing is doing nothing more than tweaking its own code in small increments, and I bet those small tweaks get sandboxed and beta-tested in-house before it is released to the public.  And of course, there's something called BACKUP...if Google were to truly mess the code up, all they need to do is restore the last saved code.

So what's this all about?  Seems to me, that Bing's director is trying to paint a facade of Microsoft as a faster-moving company than Google.  Anyone who uses Google products on a regular basis, knows this is absolutely false.  Sometimes, frustratingly so, Google updates things in rapid progression, resulting in something temporarily breaking.

No way, would any unbiased person cite Google as being cautious.

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