Saturday, February 26, 2011

People donating pizzas to the Wisconsin protesters.

Ian's Pizza in Madison, WI donated pizzas one night last week, and as soon as a blogger posted about it, people all over the world began to donate money to feed the thousands of protesters since.  Apparently, even some Republicans have taken in some of the free food (how charitable of the protesters!)  It has become so popular, they cut off accepting donations one day, after reaching $25,000 (the value of all the inventory they had in stock).  They've even gotten help in collecting donations / ordering pizzas.

"On Tuesday night/Wednesday morning we took a late-night call from folks still over at the Capital; they were wondering if they could have our end-of-night leftovers. Well, of course -- we're always glad to hand out food at 3:30am!"

"The next day we got a handful of calls from folks throughout the country, people who had heard about our late-night donation. Then a few more the next day, and next thing, fast forward to 5pm on Saturday when we were so inundated with calls - - from over half the states in the Union and from international locales ranging from Canada to Denmark -- that our normal business had to essentially be shut down so we could focus on feeding the protestors."

That is pretty amazing, and very encouraging, that as people, we stand together to help each other out.  Not that I'd ever have a reason to visit Madison, Wisconsin, but if I did, Ian's Pizza would be at the top of the agenda.

article via NYT
image via

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