Monday, February 7, 2011

Health Care Reform: The shortened, abridged, cut, fitted into two paragraphs version of the past 40 years.

Taken from a really great commentary in Washington Post:
"The Democrats have a deep and longtime commitment to health-care reform, one they've proven by moving continually right on the issue in a fruitless search for bipartisan support. They've given up on single-payer, on an employer mandate, on a public option. And they adopted the same structure that Mitt Romney signed in Massachusetts and that Republicans called for in 1994.

Republicans, meanwhile, have proven deeply and continually committed to opposing health-care reform bills pushed by Democrats. They abandoned Richard Nixon's idea when Bill Clinton adopted it and Romney's idea when President Obama endorsed it. In the most recent election, they ran on "repeal and replace," but when they got to Congress, they voted on a bill that included the "repeal" but was silent on the "replace." Even now, they've done nothing more than vaguely direct some committees to come up with some unspecified ideas at some unnamed date in the future."
Darn accurate and funny, but also sad.

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