Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Moammar Gadhafi admits to being a witch...sorta.

By now, everyone's heard that Moammar Gadhafi has said on television that, contrary to rumors, he's not in Venezuela, and that he was going to address the crowd at the Green Square in Tripoli, but the rain stopped him. To which I say, proof that the dictator is a witch.

Now, I know some might suggest that he'd actually be considered a warlock, but have you looked at him? He looks so ragged, I can't even tell his gender anymore.  He's just scary looking these days.

I still haven't forgiven him over the Lockerbie incident, nor can I forget the hero's welcome that Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the convicted plotter of the Lockerbie incident, received when he stepped out onto Tripoli Airport's tarmac, upon being released from prison in England upon grounds of compassion for cancer.

The whole region is fairly rotten, in no small part because industrialized nations needed oil and for the sake of stability, western nations were willing to support any regime, including dictators. Now that the area is destabilizing, all I see are positive reasons: a push towards democracies and incentives to wean ourselves off of oil if such democracies are not friendly towards western nations -- hedge your bets, so to speak.  We should have been off oil a decade ago, but thanks to former Halliburton CEO Dick Cheney and his secretive energy policy meeting group, we were set back decades in moving towards energy independence.  The joke is, that (the Republican argument of) increasing domestic oil production would wean us off foreign oil -- as if domestic oil was set aside for America? -- when in fact oil is publicly traded and subject to growing consumption by China.

Oh well.  At least we'll get to see Moammar Gadhafi get purged from the region.

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