Friday, February 8, 2008

Pimping out Chelsea?

It's like I said, there's a lot of people in the media that are pro-Obama, or at least anti-Clinton. David Schuster's comments are perfectly in-line with what we should expect to be seeing in the media, both TV, print and internet.

On Super Tuesday, Katie Couric let it slip from her mouth, "Good news", when it was announced that Obama had won in one of the states out west. I heard it, I couldn't believe it, I don't know how many other people caught it.

It's a sad time, when you cannot trust anyone to deliver news unadultered, unbiased, and free from commentary. In the case of Schuster however, he needs to be fired. There is barely a difference between Don Imus' comment about "nappy-headed hos" and "pimping Chelsea". That is purely sexist, and MSNBC should have taken the most severe action immediately and fired Schuster. Suspending him accomplishes nothing. Even his apology was forced. If you watch the video of him, he's reading from a prepared statement, and it makes him out to be a person carefully trying to walk on egg shells.

I'm sorry, but Schuster has to go.

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