Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Barack's righteous facts

Barack won the war of "In fact" and "fact" usage, 14 - 3, during tonight's debate in Ohio. I learned at an early age that when people use "FACT" or "IN FACT", they're frequently trying to pass a white lie. There is no reason to point out that a fact is a fact, if it can pass the test of truth. By the way, the same goes for those who use, "THE TRUTH OF THE MATTER"; when you start hearing someone use that phrase, you know they're telling you a half-truth. I thought I'd count the "facts" after reading an early story with a quote from Barack with "fact".

This is my favorite, contiguous excerpt from tonight:

And the FACT was, this was a big strategic blunder. It was not a matter of, well, here is the initial decision, but since then we've voted the same way. Once we had driven the bus into the ditch, there were only so many ways we could get out. The question is, who's making the decision initially to drive the bus into the ditch? And the FACT is that Senator Clinton often says that she is ready on day one, but IN FACT she was ready to give in to George Bush on day one on this critical issue. So the same person that she criticizes for having terrible judgment, and we can't afford to have another one of those, IN FACT she facilitated and enabled this individual to make a decision that has been strategically damaging to the United States of America.

With respect to Pakistan, I never said I would bomb Pakistan. What I said was that if we have actionable intelligence against bin Laden or other key al Qaeda officials, and we -- and Pakistan is unwilling or unable to strike against them, we should. And just several days ago, IN FACT, this administration did exactly that and took out the third-ranking al Qaeda official.

That is the position that we should have taken in the first place. And President Musharraf is now indicating that he would generally be more cooperative in some of these efforts, we don't know how the new legislature in Pakistan will respond, but the FACT is it was the right strategy.

Read each portion closely, and see how much Barack is really trying to assign facts to Hillary, as opposed to discerning facts.

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