Tuesday, February 26, 2008

The desperation of Clinton's campaign.

I watched the SNL clip of the fawning of the media over Barack, in a Democratic debate, and couldn't agree more. I mean gawd, could the media be more overt than it is right now? Maybe that is the key: Capture the hearts and minds of the media, and they will, in turn, make you the winner. I'm going to repeat...Katie Couric accidentally blurted out, "Good news!" when she was announcing that Barack had won a state during the Super Tuesday results. She is not the only one.

And now, in what appears to be the late stages of the campaign, the Clinton team sounds a lot like a desperate campaign in search of anything that will hold traction against Barack. You know you're desperate when you're trying to pin plagiarism against an orator.

You know, it's not that hard to turn a negative into a positive, and I just don't get it why the Clinton campaign hasn't figured it out yet. You voted the wrong way on the war...so what? All that matters is that you learned from your mistakes and move on to deal with where the situation is now. And I've read his plan to extricate our forces; it's foolish. A specified timetable of gradual pullout, without any sort of leeway to deal with changes in Iraq or the Middle East. Compare that to Hillary. Her plan is to ask the JCS to draw up a viable plan. That's what leadership is about - delegating to the people that know the BEST. Barack is suddenly smarter than the entire armed forces? Give me a break.

Barack is good at speaking to vagaries of idealistic, if not populistic themes... but idealism and populism falter in the realities of the world. That is why we generally swing to the center of political discourse and not wildly to either the left nor the right.

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