Sunday, December 23, 2007

Greed as a Deadly Sin.

The age of wisdom and virtue has long left the Republic and we are merely left with the vices of wealth and greed. A Capitalist will tell you that greed is good, but that Capitalist is not really thinking about your benefit; he is thinking about HIS benefit, and uses the argument of your potential profit as the means to defend his gain: "The more wealth I create, the more jobs will result!" Well, a Capitalist does not hesitate to eliminate jobs to increase profitability for both he and the shareholders.

The worst of the worst are those Televangelist that would have you give them money (to drive in expensive cars and live in large mansions), because God told them to do so. Not only are they Capitalists, but they wear the clothes of God to deliver their message of Greed.

Wanting to make money is not inherently bad, but wanting so much of it that you would do anything to gain this monetary wealth is bad. What turns from wanting to profit from your hard work to wanting profit at any cost is to enter the gates of Greed.

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