Monday, February 27, 2017

The Incoming Budget Impasse

Something to think about for the next two weeks: The current, temporary, debt ceiling expires on March 15, at which point it resets to the current debt level, just as Donald's budget is being debated. 

Why a big deal? We've just had a guy talk about how he single-handedly reversed the debt in January, oblivious to all of the companies and individuals who sent in their quarterly taxes in January and how these things work. What's he going to do when the debt ceiling issue requires grown-ups to discuss?

He obviously can't cop to expanding the debt ceiling, which is why he's put out a budget proposal with most of the stuff conservatives want. The budget proposal is meant to fool Americans into accepting the false choice between his shitty budget and a continuing resolution.

In this false narrative, he will offer his shitty budget as the means to grow the economy whilst balancing the budget. The budget won't be approved, in short, because it is so shitty that they won't even come close to getting the 60 votes needed for cloture. Point me to the Senate Democrat who will vote to slash the EPA, State Department, and other discretionary funds in order to pay for a tax cut for the rich and a massive increase in military spending, and I'll highlight the Democrat that will lose his / her seat in the next primary.

He'll pin the necessity of the debt ceiling on the failure of passing his shitty budget, blaming Democrats for the debt ceiling increase.


So let me propose a stark alternative.

Rather than block Donald and the Republicans and force another continuing resolution, negotiate the best deal you can get, then allow a vote on the budget, but vote against the budget. In other words, let Donald and the Republicans own the federal debt and the economy.

This is not asking Democrats to roll over; this is asking Democrats to negotiate in good faith, but reject an obviously, deeply flawed appropriations bill. Let Republicans own it, 100%.

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