Friday, February 20, 2009

Dissociative economic opinions.

Not many people want a crappy economy, let alone a Depression.  I understand that most people voted for Obama because they were concerned about the economy and they felt he was best suited to help guide the US out of this Recession.

Yet in the face of obvious need of some self-sacrifice for the greater good and for our own economic well-being, polls show that a majority of people do not want to help homeowners under water, failing banks unable to extend credit, or the auto industry.

So I have to ask, if you wanted the economy to improve, how did you expect us to get out of it? 

We either solve the problems of what got us here into this specific Recession (dearth of credit caused by defaulting mortgages) or we just let the natural free markets take over to create winners and losers, but also ravage our economy into a long-lasting Depression, making us all long-term losers.

There is a lot of this dissociative thinking at all levels (media, politicians, average Joe) that somehow, this economic recovery can happen with a wave of a wand.  It's unbelievably weird how so far separated people have become from reality.

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