Tuesday, February 24, 2009

A comparison of Obama and Jindal.

As I listened, I heard President Obama speak to the heart and soul of the concerns of Americans and people all around the world. The more he spoke, the more I felt that he was not just being honest, but that he was speaking plainly and opening up a bipartisan tone. I've heard many speeches from many Presidents and Presidential candidates, and this was no populist speech, but an uplifting talk about dealing with the problems we've faced for decades.

As I listened to Governor Jindal speak, I was struck by the lack of genuine tonal inflection in relating his own story and his projection of bipartisanship. BUT, as he got into promoting the standard Republican idealism, he was fully genuine about what he believed in. Governor Jindal is a stark contrast to President Obama, and I find it absolutely asinine that he would repeat the same policies that failed TWICE: tax cuts for the rich.

I cannot help but think the Republicans have lost touch with American values, as I hear Jindal speak without new ideas, and his ideas are CLEARLY limited to the Conservatives, not a broadly diverse America.


Just finished listening to David Brooks on The News Hour, and all I can say is, CONFIRMED; the Republicans are DOA. No new ideas, no attempt to uplift and bring the GOP into the 21st century to tackle the problems of today. I cannot agree with the Conservative commentator David Brooks. Jindal may have lost his opportunity to make a future Presidential bid, as the ideas he presented were more stale than 2 year old bread.

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