Tuesday, June 12, 2018

US - DPRK Outcome

The following statement from the U.S. was released:

In the agreed statement, we and the DPRK also said that as part of the final resolution of the nuclear issue we are prepared to establish diplomatic representation in each other's capitals and to reduce barriers to trade and investment, as a move toward full normalization.

Representation would initially take the form of liaison offices. This will be closely linked to overall progress on the nuclear issue. 

On north-south relations, the DPRK stated that it remains prepared to implement the North-South joint declaration on the denuclearization of the Korean peninsula. We told the DPRK representative that the U.S. is prepared to provide the the DPRK with assurances against the threat or use of nuclear weapons against it by the U.S.

The date of this statement's release was August 13, 1994.*

I tricked you, my dear reader, to help you understand that today's joint statement from Kim Jong-Un and Donald amounted to a reiteration of what President Clinton and Kim Jong-Il produced some 24 years ago.

This should concern you a great deal.

Only an inept, gullible team like Donald's administration would have basically reproduced the Clinton-era agreement and added honorifics throughout in order to appease Kim Jong-Un. Donald's cordial treatment with direct talks between two leaders is just fodder for North Korea.

* -- Refers to the US-DPRK 4-part agreement that was summarized and sent to US diplomats around the world.

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