Sunday, June 24, 2018

Today's Thought, June 24, 2018

"The Emperor Has No Clothes!"

I've come upon an epiphany of sorts, thinking about the value of authenticity and what is real. It wasn't until a little kid correctly pointed out that the Emperor's finest silk threads woven intricately was nothing more than air, that the villagers understood the comedy of what had transpired.

As such, and since no one appears willing to go toe to toe with Donald to drag him through the mud, there is an alternative method to destroying him: Physically point at his visage and start laughing at him when he says something stupid or otherwise lies. When he responds with an insult, point again and laugh harder!

Being ridiculed -- especially in the form of being laughed at -- prevents you from having to drag yourself into the mud that Donald lives in, but it is also especially painful for the ego to sustain on a regular basis. It is humiliating to endure, and when everyone else follows the lead and starts laughing, the chorus of laughter directed at Donald would be unbearable.

He is so sensitive to matters of his looks, wealth, and intelligence, it should be extremely easy to humiliate him.

Or not. Some people enjoy watching the Republic collapse, I suppose.

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