Monday, July 22, 2013

(Yet another) Logical failure of John Boehner.

"We should not be judged on how many new laws we create...We ought to be judged on how many laws we repeal." -- John Boehner

No.  The last time I checked, Congress' raison d'etre wasn't to cut laws; I mean really, that's idiotic, because carried out to an extreme end we would be a lawless nation.

Congress should be judged by whether or not they've carried out the will of the People:

  • 88% in Gallup's June 13 - July 5, 2013 poll favor a path to legal citizenship to those currently in the US illegally, yet John Boehner and Republican House members remain a major obstacle to immigration reform.
  • Just 33% in ABC / WaPo poll supported the SCOTUS decision to gut the Voting Rights Act, but House Republicans refuse to modify the VRA to fix parts that were struck down.
  • Pollingreport shows that in all polls, more people support gay marriage than those who oppose it, but House Republicans continue to condemn the SCOTUS ruling and remain adamant that marriage can only be defined narrowly.
  • This past March, an AP-GfK poll showed that 53% of Americans believe that not lifting the debt ceiling would be disastrous for the economy, this of course, after seeing what happened the last time we went through a debt ceiling showdown in 2011.  Yet rumblings from Republicans -- such as Ted Cruz -- show that they're gearing up for another debt ceiling showdown, willing to leave the debt ceiling in place.
  • In two months since the sequester cuts began, ABC / WaPo polls show an increase of 12 percentage points in the number of people who believe that the cuts are personally hurting them.  Yet Republicans are looking for more cuts.
But hey, why do the will of the People, right?

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