Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Joe Paterno was WRONG, end of discussion.

Joe Paterno met his ethical (re: legal) responsibilities by passing onto his superiors, the report of a graduate assistant who witnessed former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky's sexual encounter with a 10 year old.

But Paterno failed in his moral obligation, as a human being, to report this vile criminal act to the police, after administrators chose to keep the incident quiet while banning Sandusky from bringing children on campus.  As a friend related to me, PSU administrators (athletic director and senior vp for business and finance) basically condoned child rape, so long as it wasn't on their campus.

And apparently the idea of a grown man having sex with a 10 year old child didn't disturb Joe Pa enough to fire Sandusky on the spot.

All those students who are rioting and protesting at Penn State, have lost perspective.  There is zero gray area in this, there is no excuse for Joe Pa.

Bottom line, Joe Paterno was wrong, and he's lucky if the only consequence is that he was fired.

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