Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Republican hypocrisy, Chris Dudley

We've heard about Meg Whitman's lack of voting for most of her life, and we've read about Carly Fiorina's lacking of leadership skills at HP, but now we have Chris Dudley, former Trailblazer, now running for Governor in Oregon.  So what did Dudley do?

Tax dodging.

It's not just that he tried to avoid taxes by "moving" to Washington, even though he had a home in Oregon, but he registered his own charity in California, even though it was located in Vernonia, Oregon.  And his charity failed to pay its taxes on time for 5 straight years, and of those 5 years, the charity spent more than it received.

Or put it this way: If he doesn't want to pay taxes in Oregon but wants to live here, why shouldn't ALL Oregonians follow his example and dodge all Oregon taxes?  I cannot help but see this as another case of IOKIYAR, or "do as I say, not as I do."

And that's downright irritating.

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