Saturday, April 10, 2010

Deep in the middle of the night...

I remember that it takes a lot of time and especially effort, to get important things done. Case in point, building furniture stuff. :P

Prototypes came back, and well, what Ponoko says is the width of their materials isn't what the material width actually is. You'd think that 1mm actually is 1mm, but it isn't; it's actually .65mm. And you'd think that 4.5mm was actually 4.5mm, instead of 5.25mm. Each thing I sent out to get made, came back so far off, that I have to fully recalibrate the drawings to take into account up to 35% difference between what they say is the width of their materials compared to what I've actually measured. One piece, I had to chisel off some wood and trim plastic - have you ever tried to trim plastic? Not fun, let me say. But then again, in the end I found some flaws that I couldn't see from my 3D model, because I didn't completely measure out the light bulb that I had intended on using.

And then there's the cost of making these prototypes. I've not spent over $120 for 3 models with extra parts that don't fit. On the other hand, I think I came up with a use for the cutout pattern left behind in the sheet materials used.

Those candle holders don't exactly quite work out, at least one of them. I'm going to need to calculate the cost again, to see if it makes sense pursuing it, but the renderings quite closely match the actual output. I'll need to compare the two in another post.

Speaking of which...costs of stuff.

$1070 - Autocad lt 2011
$XXX - Adobe CS5
$400 - Network attached storage with two 1.5TB drives
$75 - Wireless router
$400 - netbook
$800 - workstation
$400 - nettop computer (for streaming media content to tv/home audio)
$3500 +/- total

I have a lot of wants (and needs), but they sure cost a lot. :O Holy cow...if I could just get my store stocked up with actual stuff to sell. :P

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