Saturday, October 10, 2009

GOP, the Selfish Party?

USA Today ran this story today about Rep. Alan Grayson's (D-FL) popularity among his fellow Democrats in Florida, after his remarks about how the GOP, "want you to die quickly if you get sick."

Quite frankly, I think this directly represents the insurance industry's preference, more than the GOP's opinion on the matter, but no doubt Rep. Grayson has hit a raw nerve about how the insurance industry has treated sick Americans, and the indefensible position the GOP have taken up in defense of market solutions to health care.

And no one really knows what the GOP's stand is, on Medicare. On the one hand they criticize it as increased government control, but on the other hand they criticize proposals to cut spending on Medicare, and previously voted for the creation of a massive drug benefit that actually defines a nice benefit for drug companies rather than cutting the costs for senior citizens and the chronically ill (if you choose wrong, your costs actually go up). Seriously, they're both for and against social medicine!?!?!

The GOP's platform: Anything we do is good, anything everyone else does is wrong.

I think Rep. Grayson said it best yesterday, ""They're not going to be winning the Nobel Peace Prize anytime soon. They probably wish there was a Nobel prize for fear, a Nobel prize for hatred, a Nobel prize for racism. Then they'd be in the running."

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