Monday, October 12, 2009

Bill Kristol, proud to be American?

On Fox News Sunday, Bill Kristol - the idiot - critiqued the Nobel Prize Committee, "This is an anti-American committee."

That on face value alone is an oxymoron. Al Gore, Jimmy Carter, Elie Wiesel, International Physicians for the Prevention of Nuclear War, Henry Kissinger, Martin Luther King, Jr., George C. Marshall, American Friends Service Committee (The Quakers), Ralph Bunche, Emily Greene Balch, John Raleigh Mott, Cordell Hull, Frank Billings Kellogg, Jane Addams, Nicholas Murray Butler, Thomas Woodrow Wilson, Elihu Root, Theodore Roosevelt. That long tradition of Americans winning the Peace Prize hardly seems anti-American.

Why, the thought of yet another American winning the Peace Prize should give Kristol - the idiot - great joy!

I'm sure of course that what Kristol - the idiot - meant to say is that the Nobel Peace Prize Committee is anti-Conservative. Remember the proclamation issued by GWB: Either you're with us (Conservatives) or you're against us (anyone else).

Let's face it, it's a lonely time to be a Conservative...the world really IS against them and their war-mongering, fear-based religion of kill or be killed.

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