Tuesday, April 28, 2009

In response to Jonah Goldberg's opinion piece in LA Times.

Mr. Goldberg called Obama arrogant. I would kindly suggest to Mr. Goldberg that he did a Rip Van Winkle and slept through the past 8 years, or he might need help with his selective memory. I think I should help him out.

Arrogance is:
  • "Mission Accomplished".
  • dividing a world as, "Either you're with us or you're against us."
  • lying to Americans about the direction of the Iraq war while the number of American casualties in Iraq rose.
  • selling torture as a necessity to maintain institutions that outlawed torture.
  • pretending to know the answers, and planting fake journalists to toss you soft questions.
  • calling Al Gore's budget numbers fuzzy math, then proceeding to double the federal debt and increase spending faster than GDP growth.
  • lying and hiding the truth about WMDs.
  • talking about accountability over leaks on Valarie Plame, then pardon Scooter.
  • suggesting that the Government's spies do not need oversight.
  • talking about the importance of getting social security solved, but tossing in the towel, unwilling to negotiate.
  • arguing that deregulation will make the market more efficient, only to see it collapse, and still argue that deregulation is the way to go.
  • blaming Democrats on the mortgage meltdown, when in 2003, Bush talked up a storm on his Ownership Society, pushing HUD to lower their standards even further.

Mr. Goldberg, I hope this primer serves you well; I wouldn't want to see you turn into the laughing stock of opinionated writers.

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