Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This is not an ad for Clearwire.

I got frustrated over using open / free wireless WiFi, for reasons including speed and lack of signal. Living in the heart of downtown with coffee shops on every corner, you'd think it wouldn't be a problem, but I don't own a laptop, and I prefer sitting in front of my screen at home with my dog, anyway.

So last night, I gave in and walked into the Clear store four blocks from me, signed up, and left within 10 minutes of entering the store, with a Motorola WiMax receiver/modem/whatever. I plug this in to my gigabit ethernet connection on my workstation, and immediately I have my connection and am surfing the internet, no software installation or diagrams.

So I checked it out already, and I'm able to stream perfectly running 720p. Been watching South Park on Netflix and SNL on Hulu. Life is good.

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