Monday, July 31, 2017

GOP Support for Donald is Dropping

In the most current SurveyMonkey poll, less than half (49%) of self-identified Republicans strongly approve of Donald's performance, down from a peak of 67%. His total approval rate among Republicans is down to 85% from a high of 92% in the first week following Donald's inauguration.

The focus on Republicans who strongly support Donald is a means of tracking GOP enthusiasm in a period of time where party loyalty is highly valued. In other words, they will, without question, support the GOP, but might not be willing to take the time to go to the polling booth or volunteer to get out the vote.

Separately, Rasmussen's daily tracking poll is the first major poll to show Donald's disapproval rate at 61%. If a Republican-leaning pollster says the number is 61%, the real number might be higher.

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