Sunday, December 18, 2016

The Responsibility of the Electoral College Electors.

As the Electoral College electors are being bombarded with emails, letters and phone calls, you can tell that the chosen Republican electors are looking for ways to alleviate their cognitive dissonance. On the news, the most common excuses have been that they've signed an oath of faith or are otherwise bound to their state's presidential choice. Both excuses are probably constitutionally illegal.

There is but one responsibility for the Electoral College electors: Vote your conscience.

The First Amendment protects you broadly to cast your vote based on your conscience, unbinding you from your state's presidential choice or your party's oath of allegiance; in fact, forcing you to vote for a specific person is unconstitutional, else the 12th Amendment is completely worthless. If brought before the US Supreme Court, it is almost a guarantee that these oaths and state laws will be overturned; no government or party may force you to vote against your conscience.

Make no mistake, there will be a backlash against your vote of conscience, but you should also be aware that there will be a large majority of Americans who will be celebrating your name and supporting you, after the fact.

It will always be your choice, but your choice has consequences either way.

I am not one of those liberals who believes that your only choice is to vote for Hillary. While I would embrace the Electoral College's choice of Hillary as President, the existential threat here is Donald Trump becoming the next President. I'm not kidding: I would gladly see Mike Pence become the next President over Donald Trump. Trump presents a danger unlike any we've seen in the history of the United States. Many foresaw the danger he presented and tried to warn voters.

If you nonetheless alleviate your cognitive dissonance by sticking to your oath or state laws, remember that it does not actually absolve you from your choice. If you vote for Donald Trump, you chose Donald Trump. If he destabilizes the country's and the world's foundations, that is on your conscience. It is written in the Bible, Revelation 11:20:
The time has come for judging the dead,
and for rewarding your servants the prophets
and your people who revere your name,
both great and small—
and for destroying those who destroy the earth.
Your fielty to party or state has no relevance to God Almighty. When called to testify to your actions in this life, will you plead ignorance?

Right now, this may all seem like hyperbole, but in his brief time as President-Elect, he has already destabilized relations across the world and threatened the livelihood of those who did not agree with him. We have seen the rise in attacks against people and groups of people he'd spoken out against. A person whose tyrannical acts force people to react in fear is a person who does not understand the importance of our democratic republic and what it means to be a leader of the free world.

We are either free or we're not. Donald's threats against those who oppose him have already begun to crumble American society.

You should choose America over party and state.

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