Monday, April 13, 2015

Limited time.

We all have expiration dates, but we can't see the date that's encoded into our life stream. As such, as one gets older one tends to see life passing by at a faster pace, cognizant that we're approaching that expiration date.

I just finished the biggest portion of the repainting job I'd first began, about a month ago. I'm rushing before I go back to Hawaii to tend to my parents, also an emergency. It appears, when one does not drive, one tends to delay and atrophy.

The paint changes, are truly symbolic of changes in my life and outlook, as the colors have gone from greys to an espresso and tan scheme, with a chocolate accent, with lots of purple, red and green highlights (in the form is furnishings).

At the same time, I'm simplifying as much stuff -- no mere spring cleaning, but a major overhaul. It's all part of the change in outlook.

Anyway, lots of things to get squared away before I can get on that flight, so toodles.

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