Thursday, October 24, 2013

What if USC unilaterally ignored the NCAA sanctions?

Following the public release of Miami's case, and seeing how they used kid gloves on a program that had a decade's worth of violations following a previous decade of violations, I can't help but wonder, what if USC just decided to unilaterally ignore the NCAA's sanctions and sign 30 players for 2014?

I mean, I know that the NCAA would try to come back with more sanctions -- that much is obvious.  But doing so comes at the expense of massive media scrutiny over their prior actions and the implausible injustice they have carried out.

Paul Dee will be rolling in his grave to have the media revisit his administration at Miami, and the multiple levels of hypocrisy by the current NCAA's treatment of Miami and the COI's treatment of USC under Paul Dee's leadership.  All hell would break loose, no?

Further, it would invite possible congressional interference, as well as bring enormous weight on the Todd McNair case to open up the NCAA's secret emails that, apparently, reveal internal bias and rules-breaking.

The end game being: USC's own lawsuit against the NCAA, or at least the tacit threat of one.

So where's the down side to forcing the issue?

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