Thursday, October 14, 2010

Palin...the gift horse.

"Growing government—and reaching into our private sector by government—is not the solution. That has been proven throughout eternity."
source: BW Online

Apparently, a free market has been around for eternity...give or take a million years.

Do follow the link -- it's actually worth reading.  It's about how businesses - chambers of commerce no less - are turning away from the Tea Party, and the contradictions that - surprise - fill the Tea Party's ranks, opinions and positions.  I'm kinda amused by Rand Paul the most, however.
A few minutes earlier, hammering away in his stump speech, [Rand] Paul had trotted out Hitler to make a point about the dangers of economic uncertainty. "When you have chaos, bad things happen in your country," he began. "In 1923 there was chaos in Germany. Out of that chaos, they elected Hitler. And what did Hitler do? He vilified certain people and said, 'These people caused your problems.' He blamed it on these people and he said, 'Give me your liberty and I'll give you security.' There is still a danger to that."
The fascinating thing about what he's saying, is that he's failed to see that the Tea Party - with its radicalized reinterpretation of a fair society - could be the populist backlash that the Nazi Party was for Germany.  Paul is only superficially interpreting the socialist ideology behind Nazi Germany as similar to progressive policies of Obama that mean to equal the playing field; in fact, it is the populist message that is based solely on fear and anger, that we should be wary of taking over.

In the absence of compassion, understanding and hope, a future that is molded by fear and anger leads to distrust of anything and everything that isn't a mirror image of ourselves.

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