Sunday, January 17, 2010

I don't hate stupid people.

But I can tell you what turns me off: people that THINK they're smart, but demonstrate a lack of knowledge and comprehension.

I am willing to spend as much time as it takes to teach someone that is willing and open, but I have no patience for the person that shows bravado with feigned intelligence. More aggravating than that, are some media 'experts' that clearly have limited expertise in a broad range of subjects, but nonetheless feel compelled to offer an authoritative opinion on it. In that same boat are those who are hypocritical in their opinion. George Will and Michelle Malkin come to mind; the former gets his facts wrong while the latter is a specialist in post-rationalism to match her preconceived opinions. To think that these people get paid to disseminate their stupid ideas and stupid opinions!

Let me set the record straight: If you do not distrust your knowledge, you're likely an idiot. If you believe your knowledge is perfect, you're likely an idiot. At best, it can be said that you're naive to believe that your knowledge is perfect. Of course, it's okay to have an opinion, but if you take yourself too seriously, you're really just a foolish zealot.

I don't hate stupid people...

But I do enjoy mocking those who think they're intelligent, despite being otherwise.

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