Saturday, January 19, 2008

Mr. Christopher P. Bliley and the EPA

Interestingly enough, you can google Christopher P. Bliley and find out that he was paid a handsome amount for 2 days' work for Rep. Jim Nussle (Iowa) in 2007, but as EPA Administrator, Christopher P. Bliley won't tell you how the EPA came to reject California's request to self-regulate greenhouse gases. What's really entertaining is the excuse that Christopher P. Bliley puts forth - attorney to client privilege.

That's slimeball-low.

If you work for the government, you are required to have transparency. The same issue came up when Nike went to court against the City of Beaverton and the City's attempt at annexation of Nike property into the City's limits.

I'm sick and tired of the way government treats its citizenry. I'm slowly warming to Bloomberg's candidacy as the only viable way of forcing Washington back into the Constitutional framework that was created over 230 years ago. As an Indepedent, he is not beholden to the interests of any party, which is more appealing everyday.

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