Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Healthy living through Natural products.

I was staring at two different tea products from different companies, and I couldn't stop laughing inside.

"Contains Healthy Antioxidants".

"Natural Tea".

Which led to the manufactured conversation in my head between two people:

Customer: Excuse me, but can you point me to the un-natural tea section?

Store Clerk: Unhealthy?

C: Yes please. You see, I saw this tea that said it had natural tea, so I figured I'd try the un-natural tea to save some money.

SC: Uh. There is no such thing as un-natural tea, sir.

C: Oh. I see. Well, how about some stuff with unhealthy anti-oxidants?

SC: Unhealthy antioxidants?

C: Well yeah. I saw a different tea that said it had healthy antioxidants, and I figured, since most things that are unhealthy for you taste good, I'd try some tea with unhealthy antioxidants.

SC: Ah. Well sir, all antioxidants are healthy, so there is no such thing as an unhealthy antioxidant.

C: Oh. I see. Well this tea stuff is just too much.

SC:Well sir, sorry to hear that. Would you like to try our Organic selection of produce?

C: Oh I dunno. I guess I've been eating all this inorganic produce since I was born, I don't know if it's a good idea to switch.

SC: Uhm. I gotta go now. Have a nice day, sir.

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