Sunday, August 12, 2018

What We Need, Not What We Want

A common microeconomic saying is that needs and wants are not the same. Likewise, in 2018 what we need in America is not the same as what we want. We may want civility and a higher level of dialog, but what we need is a nasty bullfighter who will tear apart Donald Drumpf.
Back in December 2015, I noted that the way to stop Donald Drumpf was to find a self-sacrificing hero who would take up the cause of being a bullfighter going mano-a-mano with Donald. The presumption then was that the downside was the destruction of one's own cred in the process, eliminating any future political ambitions.

Come 2018 and Donald has plowed the trenches of the deepest abyss -- a place where the vilest, decrepit, evil humans live. This has eliminated the concerns of an anti-Donald bullfighter losing his/her cred; there is so much to attack with, there is no need to dip one's toes into the cesspool where Donald lives.

Out of anonymity came Michael Avenatti, a different type of champion in an anomalous time. First, he took up the cause of an adult film actress and showed how her rights and honor were no less important than anyone else's. Then, he took up the cause of immigrant children who had been illegally separated from their parents and stripped of their dignity. All the while, he has deliberately targeted Donald Drumpf for his incompetence, bad judgment, and criminal behavior.

He's challenged Donald's manhood, his competency, his intelligence, and his values. And Donald has been rendered impotent to fight back. People instinctively know that Avenatti is what we need, which is why so many people are leaking info to him and going to him for help.

We may want a Barack Obama but what we need is a Michael Avenatti.

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