Friday, September 1, 2017

In Process Design.

This is the third project from my college years, that I've decided to go over and rework it. There are four reasons for this:

  1. I get to produce far better eye candy for my portfolio of ideas than what I could do in school, given the digital tools available to me in the 21st century.
  2. I get to revisit, reinforce, and develop some of the aesthetics / design language that I first explored in college.
  3. I'm not likely to get another opportunity to do this with large scale projects unless I work for a large firm and it's not likely that I'll ever work for a large firm given my general propensity to avoid the politics of a large firm.
  4. It's hella fun.

I have just one rule: I can't spend more than a few days on each project.

The base model for this particular project took 6 hours total to build. The design -- so far -- is much longer, especially with the compound curves. With the self-imposed time restrictions, I can't get into the nitty-gritty details at the plan level of how everything works, but that's okay because plan layout isn't what I'm after, here. Sculptural models and spatial thinking are what I'm chasing.

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