Monday, February 29, 2016

The Elevator Dream

Elevators might be scary places. Upon waking up this morning I recalled a dream that involved an elevator, and it brought back memories of past dreams with elevators.

In my dreams, I will get into an elevator and press the button to get to the floor I want to go to, but the elevator doesn't always take me to that floor. Sometimes the elevator drops me off on a floor that is eerily deserted, dull-colored and dim with a narrow hallway; rather than risk going back into the elevator, I make my way gingerly through the confines of a very long hallway to the stairs.

Sometimes the elevator refuses to take me up and instead keeps taking me down to a parking basement. Other times the elevator takes me up higher than is possible in the building I'm in and it won't take me back down.

Once in a while, I'll be in an elevator and the building becomes translucent, allowing me to see the entire network of elevators, rooms, hallways. As I watch, the elevator pathways physically change their connections between spaces.

Then there's the dream where no matter which button I push and regardless of the number of times I step out and back into the elevator, I keep getting dropped off on the same floor, seemingly trapped.

When the elevator door closes, do you know where you're going?

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