Tuesday, December 22, 2015

How to Destroy Donald Trump

It amazes me, how terrible the analysis of Donald Trump's candidacy has been. In July, immediately following his tongue-lashing of John McCain's hero status as a POW, I wrote that Donald's popularity would survive this; I offered a strenuous explanation as to why these apparent foot-in-mouth incidents would not affect him, elsewhere on the internet. I even explained why he'd won the debates and why his numbers would rise.

Pundits, dumbfounded by Donald's lasting power in the polls, have apparently thrown their hands up in the air and decided to label him Teflon Trump. As if!

I previously wrote that I would offer a full write up on the various strategies one might use to destroy Donald Trump's candidacy, but in this season of giving, I'm offering this one strategy that might be called the nuclear option. Later in the spring, if Donald remains on top of the polls and no one has employed the nuclear option, I'll write up the additional strategies that one can use to stop Donald in his tracks.

The Plan

Rule #1: Indirect attacks are counterproductive.

By "indirect", I'm referring to situations where you're not face to face with Donald. Don't be a fool. If you aren't face to face, attacking Donald Trump inadvertently gives Donald the advantage of having the luxury to respond under his terms. Months after scorching indirect attacks, and the candidates (and media) haven't yet figured this out. These attacks ironically contribute to his popularity, which is why they must stop.

Face to face, push him over the edge.

In the next debate, attack him relentlessly. I mean, go all out warfare on him, attacking him relentlessly by mocking him and dismissing his opinion, face to face. The more candidates participating in the attack, the more effective it is.

When he attacks you, don't respond with a defense; you attack back. A defense implies that you need to defend yourself, because you have weaknesses to explain. Instead, you lay into him about how thin-skinned he is, etc. Mock him on how his ego is a WMD that might explode any second. Tease him about how his mouth is a garbage truck in reverse. Taunt him about how his business acumen isn't worth the paper it was printed on. Tell him how you had to look away as he was french-kissing Putin in their love-fest. Ask him if he's already proposed to Vladimir, and if they're planning a summer wedding in Soche.

Remember, you're insulting Donald, not offering critique on his ideas. Once you get into critiquing his ideas, you've lost the game. You want to go ballistic ad hominem on Donald.

Watch him lose it.

In the last debate, some of the other candidates came close to pushing him over the edge, but for some reason they stopped. By stopping, they made it worse; by stopping, they made it appear that Donald had won the confrontation, while also allowing him to regain composure.

You have to understand, if you want to take down the bully, you can't look as though you're falling in line under the alpha. These little attacks came off as minor complaints; literally, the other candidates signaled that Donald was their leader.

Follow through and finish it.

To finish him off, you need to see his face glowing red, ready to fight with his fists, upon which you do a 180 and completely ignore him. Don't mention his name or obtusely reference him. You've won the fight. By ignoring him, he'll continue with his attacks, but you need to refuse to acknowledge that he's even on the stage with you. When he mentions your name, you interject with the moderator, that you heard your name mentioned, but in your response, you never speak to what Donald said; instead, you take it to a parallel subject.

If you manage to stick to this, the national media will follow, every last one of them, left, right, and indifferent.

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