Thursday, December 26, 2013

The Day After Christmas.

Hope everyone had a good Christmas (a day off to celebrate having a day off, for non-Christians).

I didn't get around to it, but these were the holiday cards sent out this year, printed by, about a month ago.  The diptych, obviously, is the night before Christmas and the next morning.  I had about 6 hours to get them done before the free shipping deadline, but the idea had been in my head roasting for a week or so.

Christmas dinner at the BFF's was an interesting drive to and fro through the dense fog, unsure whether the road was covered with a layer of frozen fog.

The dogs...well, they mostly get along.  They had to get the order of the pack sorted out, and once that was done, there was peace.

Lots of catching up on posts that have been ignored for the last few days as Christmas approached.

Finally, to friends in Canada, Happy Boxing Day, eh?  :D

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