Friday, March 26, 2010

Misc. things.

  • There's a woot off today. If you blink, you might miss a deal; they go by, one at a time, at about once every 15 minutes.
  • The Thea Render has gone public beta, and you can buy it. While in beta, it's priced below expected pricing. Used for really great renderings with Sketch Up or other types of models. Material editor is a lot closer to that in 3D Studio Max. You have to pay separately for plugins (exporters) and the main software, which costs total of about $250 to use with Sketch Up.
  • CanSecWest is on its last day, which means that it looks like Google's Chrome is once again the only browser (sorry, they don't include Opera in the challenge) to survive PWN2OWN. This year they have a mobile component to the competition, and sad to say, iPhone fell first - it drew first in a random drawing to be tested so it was destined to fall first - and well, safari fell second, because it drew second. I should say, that the reason why Chrome remains undefeated, is because no one has signed up to challenge it. I'm not sure if it's because everyone knows Safari, Firefox and IE are vulnerable, or because of perceived market share of those browsers (Chrome has higher market share than Safari). Also notable, Android was in the challenge, but no one has bothered to challenge it.
  • I hate twitter, but others love it. Therefore, it is important to note that corporations have embraced it and you must pay attention to their tweets if you want to be on the inside of information. Case in point: Dell Outlet has a tweet stream for coupons.
  • Might have mentioned this before, but the Weather Underground has the best radar / temperature GUI.
  • They announced that the cherry blossoms were blooming in Washington DC; I just thought it was amusing, given that most of the cherry blossoms in Portland have already fallen, including the waterfront. Double-blossom cherries however, are hitting their prime.

That is all.

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