Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What were they thinking?

Two Honolulu Police officers were arrested on drug charges in Las Vegas. What makes this story notable, isn't that they were arrested, but that they sped off when approached, and a short chase ensued. When they were finally caught, one of them resisted arrest and was pepper sprayed, and an open alcohol container was found in the vehicle.

Just a complete disgrace. But this is somewhat common. Just earlier this year, another officer was sentenced for tipping off people involved in a cockfighting ring, and yet another related officers sentenced for involvement with a drug and gambling operation. And yet another officer was also sentenced earlier this year for tax evasion. Why, just last year, another officer was arrested for DUI (previously convicted of DUI in 2006). But you can see that internal corruption is a big problem with the HPD, such that the FBI got involved.

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