Thursday, November 21, 2019

Sketches of Folded Metal Sculpture Concept

Method: Based on a single sheet of aluminum metal, 24 inches by 72 inches, first, laser-cut, then, bent along perforated edges, then, powder-coated.

The basic idea behind this is to utilize simple processes to a plain sheet of metal, applying simple folds in order to create and define volume of space, in a form that presents unique objects, depending on the angle of the fold. That is, based on one pattern, multiple unique objects could be produced depending on the choices of the angle of folds. The greater the complexity of the pattern, the higher number of unique objects could be produced. Think analogous to music and the variations of a theme -- for instance, Variations on a Theme of Paganini -- where the underlying construct remains the same but the outcome is varied.

Abstractly, it could also apply architecturally, such that it would be scaled up to create unique spatial volumes rather than sculptures.

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