Saturday, June 28, 2014

Piper Chapman and the Orange -- a critique

Episode 9, Piper Chapman says, "I am so fucking stupid, what's wrong with me?"

Good question.  And yet, she continued through the end of season one.

I finished binge-watching OITNB (DVDs from Netflix), and for the life of me, I have never felt this conflicted about a show.  The acting is superb -- you don't doubt for a second that these actors are who they pretend to be.  Which of course means that the scripts are solid, too.  But here's the thing I don't get:

Why should I care about the show?

The main character -- Piper Chapman -- has zero redeeming qualities.  She's an absolutely detestable person.  She's pretty and she looks like a damsel in distress, but it's all bullshit.  You see, it's all window dressing covering up the worst human being in the prison.

Have you watched Denzel Washington in Flight?

He's another detestable character with seemingly zero redeeming qualities.  He packed screwdrivers (OJ and vodka) and a box full of beers to drink while he drove, showed up drunk everywhere, and he didn't just lie all the time but he also requested that others lie for him.

But he redeemed himself in the end.  He admitted to his alcoholism, his use of drugs and refused to pin it on someone else, and ended up in prison.

But back to OITNB.

I don't think I'll be watching season two.  Paid media critics are overrated.

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