Wednesday, June 3, 2009

eMusic and gay marriage.

eMusic announced changes, whereby they are including Sony titles, but are also boosting prices while decreasing downloads for your current subscription. For some people, the changes will effectively mean that they will be paying 78% more per download. For me, I'm getting an effective 35% increase in price per download, which I'm none too happy about. It might be just the right time to dump eMusic.

I saw that New Hampshire just made gay marriage legal, and it struck me that tolerance is a greater part of the upper Northeast US and Midwest, than it is out West, where not a single state supports gay marriage. Gay unions are difficult enough to come by in the West, as well. I had always thought that live-and-let-die was a western theme, but apparently I'm completely wrong. Shouldn't people just let others live they way they want to live, so long as they're not criminals (in the most basic definition). So long as you're not a molester, rapist, murderer, thief or a profiter from lies, shouldn't you be allowed to live how you want to live?

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