Friday, September 20, 2019

The Cycle and The Self(ish)

The Cycle

All life ends in death. At the end of the universe's expansion will come the universe's contraction; from zero to one and back to zero; we know not how many times the universe existed. The law of the conservation of matter dictates that matter cannot be added nor subtracted in a closed system -- in effect, a life for a life, a cell for a cell, an atom for an atom.

The Self(ish)

Even as we seek to prolong life, it comes with a toll of reducing the lifespan of others, both in direct and indirect consequences.

Our natural instinct to horde flies in the face of the needs of a community to share. Prior to an impending natural disaster, we seek to "get ours" before supplies sell out while other seek to profit from scarcity.

Our desire to make more money than others comes at the expense of others who make less.

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