Monday, September 16, 2019

RIP Ric Ocasek

In memory of the front man of The Cars, my top-10 favorite The Cars songs:

  1. Heartbeat City
  2. Drive
  3. I'm Not the One
  4. Let's Go
  5. Magic
  6. Shake it Up
  7. Touch and Go
  8. Tonight She Comes
  9. Since You're Gone
  10. Hello Again
Note that Heartbeat City is an unlikely choice for favorite song with most people, but I'm not most people. It was a mix of melancholy and electronic that drew me to it. 

At the bottom of my top-10, Hello Again, is another unlikely choice for most. It's a bookend to Heartbeat City, ironically, as it was the first track of The Cars' Heartbeat City album while Heartbeat City was the last track.

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