Friday, September 20, 2019

09.20.2019 Dreams

Of the handful of episodic dreams I can remember from this morning, the one that sticks out the most was that of demonstrating using a knife to clean a wet shirt by dragging the blade along the surface of a light blue sleeve shirt, using my left hand from the lower right side to the upper right, as though it were a squeegee. 

The amusing part of the dream was that as I squeezed off the grime, it splattered around in clumps and in particular landed on a clean shirt that was next to it. I picked up the clean shirt to inspect it and felt defeated, knowing that I'd have to rewash this other shirt as the clumps of grime had now stained the clean shirt.

Having never done, seen, or thought about this before in real life, the oddness of the dream allowed me to remember it in clear details. 

In retrospect, it was an amalgam of using a knife to clear a cutting board of food and using a wet vacuum to clean carpets. You see, when you turn off your wet vacuum, the suction shuts off, allowing any dirty water that was not fully encapsulated within the waste container to leak back onto your carpet. I always had a rag towel ready to place underneath, every time I turned off my wet vacuum.

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