Tuesday, July 5, 2016


I was initially going to write a post about how the FBI's interview with Hillary indicated that she was in the clear. Briefly, the fact that her own lawyers allowed her to be interviewed without invoking the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination, showed how confident they were that there was nothing untoward in her actions. But then, this morning the FBI completed their investigation and announced that they would not be recommending that charges be filed against Hillary.


Microphone drop, walk away, right? Except, of course, I never did do a post with a full accounting on the email server issue. But, in online comment sections, as individual issues popped up, I did. Online, I...

  • Posted a full explanation of the relevant parts of the US Code, and compared them to the known facts in the case;
  • Highlighted how people conflate rules with laws, citing the DoD's own rules for handling classified information (and their penalties);
  • Detailed how the burden of proof required, among other things, an understanding of the legal terms of criminal negligence and a person's state of mind;
  • Wrote about how the media misunderstood what was being leaked to them, instead, choosing to misinterpret the information to imply nefarious or illegal actions;
  • Pointed out the stark differences between General Petraeus' case and this one;
  • Explained how 'attempted hacking' did not imply that the server was hacked, as many in the media had come to assume;
  • Wrote about how Guccifer was bullshitting people when he said that he had hacked into Clinton's server, explaining why it was bullshit;
  • Spoke about how hacking a server with possibly just one or two admin accounts, would be vastly more difficult than either commercial accounts or government email accounts;
  • Explained why Brian Pagliano's invocation of the 5th Amendment and his deal with Justice to avoid prosecution, did not mean that Hillary did something wrong.
Anyone who is adamant that what she did was illegal, is full of shit even if they don't know shit. You can't argue with a person who is full of shit, because they'll just make shit up, then, unaware of what they're doing, will point to that pile of shit as supporting evidence of their bullshit. 


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