Thursday, July 21, 2016

Day 4 of RNC Convention, The Wheels Come Off.

  • With exception of Ivanka Trump and Thomas Barrack, everyone else yelled, screamed, projected shrill anger. It wasn't about 'Make America One'; it was about Anger, Fear, Loathing, and Revenge for the Fallen. The night was capped by Donald yelling for about 1 1/2 hours about Anger, Fear, Loathing, and Revenge for the Fallen.
  • Yesterday he spooked Europe and Asia, and tonight he doubled down by telling our friends that America is going to harken back to 'America First' and the pre-WWII isolationist. It is eerily spooky, if you know a little bit about US history, as Donald looks and sounds a lot like Herbert Hoover:
    • Rich Republican guy who had never previously held elected office;
    • Ran on the belief that government was inefficient and wasteful;
    • His appeal to Southern Whites resulted in Black Americans bolting to the Democratic Party;
    • The moment he was elected, he pulled back American military to the US;
    • Despite our friends waging war, he kept the US on the sidelines;
    • He signed the Hawley-Smoot Tariff Act, effectively slashing foreign trade and making goods more expensive.
  • Nearly all of the music played during the convention, came from British artists, including The Rolling Stones, The Clash, Queen, and Elton John. No kidding. Make America Great Again, my ass.

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